PSFCA Membership
2024-25 Information, Forms & Benefits
PSFCA is the professional organization representing specifically PA football coaches and football interests.
All memberships for the 2024-25 season must be filled out online (Prices increase by $50 after October 31st). You can either pay online via credit/debit card or PayPal. You can also pay via check.
To pay by check, select that option in the “Payment Type” drop down box. Once you fill out the form you will receive a confirmation email with a link to download and print the check payment form to send in the mail.
2024-25 Membership Application
Membership Benefits
- Receive a Free Discount Card courtesy of The Funding Zone. Received annually with purchase of membership.
- League Association Discount for the PSFCA Membership & Coaches Clinic. League / Conference that have 100% participation can apply for a 20% Staff Discount on Membership.
- All members in your league would participate in a Staff or Individual Membership.
- Provide a Letter from your League President, listing the teams.
- Payment could be handled by individual school or your league can collect membership fees and submit one check.
- All Members will receive a $1,000,000 liability protection policy.
- Reduced insurance plan rate for your own out of season camps, clinics, etc…
- Discounted rate for 5-Star Combines for players if coach is a member. Rate would be $65.00 (Non-member registration fee is $75.00)
- If you participate in the Blast Fundraising and Discount Card Fundraiser activity with the Funding Zone, they will cover the cost of your PSFCA staff membership, not the cost of the clinic.
- Membership makes coaches eligible for recognition under the Honor Our Own program for Years of Service, Years as a Head Coach, Number of Wins, and Coach of the Year awards both District and State.
- Big 33 & East/West State Games:
- Allows coaches to nominate both players & coaches for the State All-Star Games.
- Membership is required for players from the coach’s school to be considered for selection to play in Big 33, or the two East/West Games Class 1-3A or 4-6A.
- Membership is required for any coach to be eligible to coach in the Big 33, or the two East/West All-Star Games Class 1-3A or 4-6A.
- Opportunity to meet vendors that offer products and services at all PSFCA events.
- Fellowship with colleagues.
The longer you wait to join the PSFCA, the longer the above BENEFITS are NOT in force. Also keep in mind your membership is good from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025. In other words, DO NOT wait until the PSFCA Clinic to join the PSFCA as you will lose out on many months of benefits.