Media Policy for PSFCA and all accompanying events

1. Accreditation:

  • All journalists, photographers, and media personnel must be accredited before the event.
  • Accreditation requests must be submitted in advance and approved by the event organizers.
  • Accredited media personnel will receive a badge, which must be worn at all times during the event.

2. Access and Movement:

  • Media personnel will have access to designated media areas, including press conferences, mixed zones, and specified areas within the stadium.
  • Movement within restricted areas, such as player locker rooms and training areas, is strictly prohibited without prior authorization.

3. Interviews and Press Conferences:

  • Interviews with players, coaches, and officials must be scheduled through the event’s media team.
  • Press conferences will be held at specified times and locations, and media personnel are encouraged to attend.

4. Photography and Filming:

  • Photography and filming are allowed only in designated areas and during specified times.
  • No photographs or videos or interviews may be sold or used commercially without permission from PSFCA.

5. Social Media and Live Reporting:

  • Media personnel are encouraged to use social media for live reporting, but must adhere to the event’s social media guidelines.
  • Live streaming of matches or training sessions is strictly prohibited without prior authorization.

6. Conduct:

  • Media personnel must conduct themselves professionally at all times.
  • Respect for players, coaches, officials, and fellow media personnel is paramount.
  • Any form of harassment or inappropriate behavior will result in immediate expulsion from the event.

7. Equipment:

  • Media personnel are responsible for their own equipment, including cameras, recording devices, and laptops.
  • The event organizers are not responsible for any loss or damage to media equipment.


  • Failure to comply with this media policy may result in the revocation of accreditation and removal from the event premises.

9. Amendments:

  • The event organizers reserve the right to amend this media policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to accredited media personnel.

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